Congratulations to all of us who have made it through a full month of stay-at-home statewide order. If you are like most people, it is probably getting harder and harder for you to shelter in place. The question of “how much longer” is top of mind right now. Luckily, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we look forward to the day that we reopen Nevada and Las Vegas to get back to business soon, and safely.
Although business must go on, safety for our team, clients and vendors come first. We are learning to adjust to what is becoming the new normal. Whether it is the 6’ social distancing, the mask or gloves, the constant hand washing and sanitizing, extra cleaning, virtual meetings, and presentations, we are managing those changes. How long will we have to take these extra precautions, that remains to be seen, but better safe than sorry.
What we do know is that we need to continue to stay in front of you, our clients. You need to know that we believe tradeshows will still be here and will continue to be relevant. Virtual connections and experiences will more than likely continue to rise and can only enhance the tradeshow experience as we know it.
You are probably seeing that most shows have been rescheduled to the beginning of Summer and Fall of this year. Until the Associations announce otherwise, we need to get to planning! In order to help you get in the planning mode, we have launched a Series of Educational Workshop. Our very own Tradeshow 101 with new episodes released every Wednesday at 10am PST on our new YouTube Channel: PLUS STUDIOS LLC Please subscribe and tune in every Wednesday. We would love your comments and feedback.
Watch our first 2 episodes right here:
Episode 1
Episode 2
What else is going on at Plus Studios?
Read up on our Sustainability article featured in the March/April issue of Exhibit City News:
Congratulations to Exhibit City News on 25 years. Proud to be a sponsor and part of this keepsake edition. Take a glimpse of our AD on Page 150, and a quote from our CEO on Page 217.
In an effort of supporting testing, care and management needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to step in and assist in offering the following portables and temporary build outs for medical and emergency service personnel. Let us know how we can help you:
Who is Plus Studios: Curators of experiential exhibits, unrivaled events and sustainable environments.
Our Mission: We promise to create unique experiences that move hearts, minds and business forward.
Our Vision: Creativity plus customer service equals a winning experience every time.
Entrepreneurially minded, service oriented, creative, and agile, PLUS Studios was founded in 2013 when a collective group of industry veterans decided to break the mold and do business differently. With our agility, insight, new thinking, and modern sensibilities, we have created unforgettable experiences that are results driven. To learn more about Plus Studios, please go to www.Plus-Studios.com and email [email protected] for a free Tradeshow Sustainability download or contact us at 702-651-9611.
About the Author: Li Jackson is an 18-year veteran of the events & exhibits industry and is currently the VP of Marketing at Plus Studios. She is also the Editor of Tradeshowlife, an online educational and media outlet; and the Executive Director at Rethink Worldwide, a Non-Profit Organization focused on Conserving the Environment and ending single-use plastic.