We all stand together in this quiet moment affected and concerned with the future of our city. Ourselves, our families, and friends. Our industry, clients and vendors. Our nation and other countries. We know it’s hitting us all severely.
It’s a hard time all around and perseverance will get us all through. With that said, we should let it be known that we will continue to make an effort to be grateful in our home life and work life. Providing the best we have to anyone who could use us. Creating stronger relationships and even new partnerships.
- We are available, ready, and happy to answer questions and help you via phone, video call, email or text.
- The safety and health of our team is very important to us. We have implemented numerous measures to ensure that safety and health remain top priorities.
- Our team is practicing safe social distancing and have been trained on how to minimize their exposure to COVID-19. Everyone is exercising extreme caution and cleaning practices to ensure anything touched remains clean and sanitary.
- Our shop remains open unless mandated by Government Entities to close.
- Plus Studios office and remote employees including Designers, Sales and Account Management are working from home as much as possible.
- Plus Studios is here for you and ready to assist you. Ask us about virtual experiences.
It’s important to know that we are all in this together and provide support wherever we can. Even as the world is quiet, it is always in motion. When things make their way back to normal, we want the best for everyone. We believe that being here for each other is how we’ll do it.
With love and support,
Your Plus Studios Family
Our Mission:
We promise to create unique experiences that move hearts, minds and business forward.
Our Vision:
Creativity plus customer service equals a winning experience every time.